Qeemat.com is Owned by a Dubai based company which is working in collaboration with an expert web development company. The CEO of this Company is Ali Raza Bhatti. The mission is to provide the complete information of any of the product which is of interest by any means to any citizen of Pakistan. This is a place where you come across the prices of each and every product of your dream. We indeed know what you want to know. This website is dedicated to the people of Pakistan who want to explore what is new in the market and how much it costs.

Beside that you are going to find our user reviews, after an extensive research by our experts, extremely helpful in your dilemma of making tough decisions with lots of alternatives. We are going to provide you with new weights to assign to different products while you are considering them in your decision making criteria. These review articles are going to increase your knowledge and expertise about a particular object of interest.This is a unique project which is providing you with a varied nature of information under an umbrella. Here we keep an eye on all the things of your interests ranging from mobile phones to the cars of your dreams. We have covered the whole lots of products of your interests like electronic home appliances and daily gold rates.

This website is serving the people of Pakistan from past several years now and has become one of the favorite sources of information for lots of Pakistanis. In Alexa rankings this website is standing at 320th number in Pakistan. We are further motivated to make it the number one website in the country. We are extremely obliged to our visitors who trust us and our provided information. We have a tradition and resolve to keep serving you every time in a way better than before. You can also provide us with your valuable opinions and criticism by connecting with us on facebook.

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